We're Involved

In The Community

Engaging with our Community and our Profession

  • The Advocates Society

    Professional Associations

    Our lawyers are part of the profession's most important and prestigious committees and organizations, including The Advocates’ Society, the Chief Justice of Ontario’s Advisory Committee on Professionalism, the Ontario E-Discovery Implementation Committee, the Commercial List Users’ Committee, the Civil Justice Review, the Ontario Bar Association, and more.

  • CCLA - Canadian Civil Liberties

    Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust

    We contribute to the Canadian Civil Liberties Education Trust, supporting its work in courtrooms, classrooms, and parliament to advancing and protecting civil liberties in Canada.

  • YWL - Young Women in Law

    Young Women in Law

    We proudly support Young Women in Law (YWL), a not-for-profit organization that provides support to young women lawyers.

Our lawyers are also involved in and provide support to many non-legal, charitable, and advocacy organizations, including: