is a driven and passionate advocate. She approaches complex legal issues with
enthusiasm and works diligently to provide effective and creative solutions.
Amethyst is developing a broad litigation practice. Before joining the firm, Amethyst was litigation counsel at the Ontario Securities Commission where she also articled and summered. Amethyst has appeared before the Capital Markets Tribunal, the Divisional Court and the Superior Court of Justice.
Amethyst received her J.D. from Queen’s University in 2022. During law school, she worked at Queen’s Legal Aid where she assisted Kingston residents with a range of litigation issues including criminal, small claims court and landlord tenant board matters. Throughout law school, Amethyst was also an active member of the Law Students’ Society where she advocated for her law school cohort through several roles.
Amethyst completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Guelph in Criminal Justice and Public Policy with a minor in Political Science.
Counsel for six individual former executives of Voortman Cookies in defence of a $100 million claim for fraudulent misrepresentation in connection with the sale of Voortman to Hostess.
Counsel to a class of children in care in a class action against the Government of Manitoba seeking compensation for Manitoba’s policy of forcibly misappropriating the Children’s Special Allowance.
Counsel to a town councillor for the Town of Oakville in a successful appeal of a decision of Oakville’s Joint Compliance Audit Committee authorizing a campaign finance compliance audit.