LOLG Defeats Motion for Interim Possession and Control and Obtains Substantial Costs Award


On July 27, 2023, the Ontario Superior Court dismissed the Métis National Council’s motion for interim possession and control in relation to programs administered by the responding party on the motion, the Manitoba Métis Federation (the “MMF”). The Court agreed with LOLG’s submissions on the motion that the Métis National Council had not met its burden for justifying interim possession. In the costs decision for the motion, dated October 19, 2023, the Court held that the MMF was “clearly and overwhelmingly successful on this motion” and awarded the MMF partial indemnity costs of $213,687.57 to be paid by the Métis National Council within 30 days. Rahool Agarwal, Niklas Holmberg and Cole Pizzo acted for the MMF. 
The Court’s costs decision on the motion can be found here. This proceeding has also been covered by the CBC, who reported on the motion decision here and the costs decision here