Andrew Winton Mandates
Chemtrade Electrochem Inc v. Superior Plus Corporation, 2025 ABCA 31
Successfully represented Superior Plus in Alberta Court of Appeal reversing trial judgment awarding $25 million Reverse Termination Fee in context of United States anti-trust merger review.
Successfully Enforced Option to Purchase Land in Ground Lease
Successfully represented the owner of a commercial building to exercise its option to purchase the underlying land contained in the ground lease.
Ultracuts v. Magicuts, 2023 MBCA 71
Successful at the Court of Appeal of Manitoba in overturning a trial judgement awarded against the defendants for $34.5 million in damages.
Way v. Schembri, 2025 ONSC 946
Successful on a motion to dismiss an action and strike a defence after the responding party failed to comply with court orders, including a peremptory order, to produce relevant documents.
Hockey Canada
Representing Hockey Canada in connection with litigation, investigation, and Parliamentary hearings regarding sexual misconduct allegations and with respect to corporate governance issues.
Imperial Tobacco Canada Limited, 2025 ONSC 1358
Acted for the Court appointed mediator in the $32 billion settlement of CCAA proceedings for several tobacco companies.
Successfully Responded to Arbitration Jurisdiction Application
Successful in obtaining the dismissal of an application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice challenging the jurisdiction of an arbitrator.
Jacobs v. Ontario Medical Association, 2016 ONSC 4977
Successfully represented applicants in proceeding challenging the use of an unfair form of proxy in connection with a contested general meeting of a non-profit corporation.
Fortress Real Developments Inc. v. Franklin, 2018 ONSC 296; 288 A.C.W.S. (3d) 150 (Ont. Superior Court of Justice)
Leading authority on availability of pre-trial injunctive relief to restrain defamatory statements.
Confidential Internal Investigations
Conducted confidential internal investigations for a major Canadian sports league concerning team owners’ compliance with league by-laws.
Re Target Canada Co., 2016 ONSC 316
Represented KingSett Capital in obtaining an order preventing Target Canada from filing a plan of arrangement that violated a prior agreement entered into with KingSett and other landlords.
Successfully Represented Condominium Unit Purchasers in a CCAA Proceeding
Sucessfully represented a large group of condominium unit purchasers in a proceeding under the Companies Creditors’ Arrangement Act.