Real Estate Litigation
We are engaged by Canada’s largest landlords and developers in their most important disputes.
Our experience in real estate litigation is broad and includes having acted in disputes over cost-sharing and development agreements, commercial tenancies, long-term land leases, and agreements of purchase and sale. We have successfully obtained and resisted orders freezing land pending the outcome of litigation. We also act regularly for clients involved in joint ventures, partnerships, and similar arrangements for acquiring, developing and holding real estate. Our familiarity with the real estate industry is an asset to our clients in finding creative and profitable settlements to their disputes and in successfully litigating their claims.
News & Insights
LOLG Successful in Dismissal of Motion to Enjoin Powers of Sale
Acting for a mortgage lender on a claim for a borrower’s failure to repay several mortgage loans totaling more than $46 million.
LOLG Successful in Dismissing Action and Striking Defence Following Breaches of Document Production Orders
Successful on a motion to dismiss an action and strike a defence after the responding party failed to comply with court orders.
LOLG Successful in Striking Down Contract at the Ontario Court of Appeal
Successful in striking down a contract between a landowner and the City of Ottawa that restrict urban development on Kanata lands, and require the continued operation of a golf course on those lands.
Best Law Firms Canada 2025
We have received 17 tier 1 rankings in the 2025 edition of Best Law Firms Canada rankings, showcasing our multidisciplinary strength in dispute resolution.