Audit Liability and Professional Negligence
We have significant expertise in complex litigation matters regarding accountants and their obligations, auditor’s negligence and liability and issues concerning accounting standards for Canadian and international companies.
Our representation often begins at the early stages of a matter before proceeding through the investigation or inquiry stage, referrals to discipline, hearings before regulators, and court proceedings, appeals, and judicial review. We have successfully represented plaintiffs and defendants in trials, arbitrations and appeals where command of these issues played a central role.
News & Insights
LOLG Successfully Obtains Injunction Against Departing Lawyers
Obtained an injunction against a group of lawyers who “conducted a planned and deliberate operation to take over” their employer’s personal injury practice.
Court Of Appeal Clarifies Interpretative Approach To Covenants To Insure In Commercial Leases
The first appellate decision in recent history where a landlord’s covenant to insure was found to not bar a claim against a tenant for loss from fire allegedly caused by the tenant’s negligence.
LOLG Defeats Motion For Stay And Removal Of Counsel
The Superior Court dismissed a motion brought by the Province of Ontario and others to stay CourtCanada Ltd.’s action for breach of contract, negligent misrepresentation and deceit.
Success At Divisional Court In Research Misconduct Case
The Divisional Court dismissed an application for judicial review brought by two researchers against University Health Network (UHN). LOLG represented UHN.