Lafontaine et al. v. The Government of Manitoba, 2024 MBKB 147
Counsel to a class of current and former children in care in a class action against the Government of Manitoba seeking compensation for Manitoba’s policy of forcibly misappropriating the Children’s Special Allowance, a federal benefit paid to child and family services agencies for the benefit of children in care. The claim was settled and Manitoba agreed to pay $84.8 million as compensation to the class. (2024 MBKB 147)
Rahool brings a combination of creative thinking, meticulous preparation and strong courtroom advocacy to each of his cases. His approach is practical and focused on achieving long-term strategic succ…
Michael is a skilled advocate and trusted advisor for clients navigating complex business disputes. He has a calm and steady approach, even in high-pressure situations, and an ability to identify crea…
Amethyst is a driven and passionate advocate. She approaches complex legal issues with enthusiasm and works diligently to provide effective and creative solutions.